…Using heart-centred, neuroscience strategies, the purpose of Little Geniuses is to positively reprogram our hearts, minds, and bodies to thrive….

…Little Geniuses teach complex concepts simply…

…Our approaches guide Little Geniuses positively on their life journey…We are quantum behaviourists at heart, which means we believe in the infinite possibilities of positive behavioural upgrades…We want to see better life experiences for Little Geniuses…

…We encourage curiosity, spiritual growth, organic exploration, freedom to be unique, and that we are all stars here to shine brilliantly together…

…To evolve, our family had to completely redesign our environment, we had to change and challenge our thinking, our conditioned feelings, and old beliefs systems, we chose to surrender to the unknown to create a better future, better worlds, our best lives, now…

Paikea’s Souls Wisdom…


I think love means looking after myself and others and doing what’s best for me.
I think love means putting myself first and doing me.
I think love means being kind and loving.
I think love means having hope in me and hope in others.
I think love means my soul has a purpose and a role to play, but for me to do these things I need rest, play and be free.
I think love means life to everything that is meant to be alive.
I think love means being creative and positive to all.
I think love means being loving and reminding myself that I am loved, and I remind others that they are loved.
I love myself and others.


Gathering Space

The Gathering Space is Group or Family, Sensory Enrichment Therapy.

We focus on Epigenetics and Positive Behavioural Support in all environments. The focus of these groups are opportunities for connection, collaboration, and peer role modelling of Sensory Enrichment Therapies. In our experience, we all learn best (and fastest) when we feel safe, are having lots of fun, and moving. 

Mentoring Space

Intuitive 1:1 Mentoring assists with the spiritual awakening process. We recommend three sessions per client to move through significant life challenges, blocks, trauma, and obstacles as well as to solidify the new learnings, reclaiming inner wisdom, and knowledge upgrades.

Individualised Social Stories for Guidance

…We are creators of individualised social stories, aimed at teaching how to overcome challenges in life, achieve goals one at a time, and absolutely thrive in the flow of life…


Quantum Physics – I KNOW that the universe is infinite, and that our universes are created within our mind’s space, our creative brain…imagination is the key to all creation…

Epigenetics – I KNOW that our thoughts and feelings affect our entire life trajectory…we can choose to change our thought patterns and the emotional signatures we release into the Cosmos…we can create the life we always dreamed of, and upgrade our genes to infinite wellness…

Metacognition – I KNOW our thinking about how we think, helps us choose thoughts with purpose, greater intention, and focus…Metacognition is a conscious reflection on one’s thinking, leading to increased awareness, understanding and insight…I can choose to live in the present moment, rather than in the past or in the future…

12 Life Laws – I UNDERSTAND that as humans we are governed by 12 universal laws that are often associated with Ho’oponopono – a mantra for freedom exercised by the Indigenous Hawaiian. These Life Laws for freedom originated in ancient Egypt, and they guide us to living our best life once we understand and integrate them into our lives…it is our free will to choose these laws…

Law of Divine Oneness…

Law of Vibration…

Law of Correspondence…

Law of Attraction…

Law of Inspired Action…

Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy…

Law of Cause and Effect…

Law of Compensation…

Law of Relativity…

Law of Polarity…

Law of Rhythm

Law of Gender

Psychoneuroimmunology – I UNDERSTAND the links, connections, and relationships between our emotions, nervous system, and our immune system…

Self-healing – I UNDERSTAND that we are all on our own life journey, at our own pace…through our initial awakening in our vessels, we experience significant trauma, challenges, pains, hurts, confusion, and lots of heavy dense energy and emotions…these experiences can lead to dis-ease without transforming and re-narrating the past…we are effective healers for ourselves once we give ourselves the power, the permission, and acceptance to do so…

Neural Plasticity – I UNDERSTAND the brain’s ability to change, grow, and thrive at any age, stage, and level of development…we can all upgrade our brain to be more operational, more focused, more optimal…

Organic Spirituality – I UNDERSTAND that spirituality is felt, it is about all things, and the connectedness of all……it creates awe, wonder, and mystery… It drives us forward to better make sense of the natural world, and how we complement it with our place in it…it is about finding our purpose in this space, our infinite multiverse…

I AM – I UNDERSTAND that I AM means different things to each of us…It talks to our sense of self, who we believe ourselves to be…the almighty life quest returning to who we choose to be, is who I AM… It is about rediscovering of our life essence…uncovering that we are all infinite light meant to burn brightly as one…

Oneness – I UNDERSTAND that oneness is the feeling of interconnectedness…it means our heart is open to the joys of this life journey, it motivates us to connect with all creatures, all beings in the great blissful harmony of life…our soul feels blissful and at peace…

Wholeness – I UNDERSTAND that as my spirit and soul reconnect in the beautiful Kundalini balanced dance of life, our nature flow of life…our journey leads back to our wholeness within…once we realise that the universe exists within, we can return to wholeness…

Consciousness – I AM aware of the various levels of the human consciousness…I realised that to be conscious I need to slow down, and have the knowledge to become aware of what level of vibration I choose in each breath…knowledge is power once I understand I can choose…

Chakras Energy Centres – I UNDERSTAND that the Chakras were created in ancient Egypt to explain free flowing positive energy that flows through our bodies, hearts, and minds effortlessly…these energy centres hold the keys to our wellness, it is suggested that the chakras correlate to different abilities , expressions, and types of health… Click for YouTube Link

“Our lives completely changed, once we realised, we create in the Quantum”
